A notice to return borrowed library materials that have been requested by other users. Recalled library materials cannot be renewed.
See Bibliographic Record.
Materials that allow users to quickly locate information. Reference materials include encyclopedias, dictionaries, bibliographies, indexes, abstracts, almanacs, directories, etc. At the Alvin Sherman Library, most reference materials are located separately from the Main Collection and restricted to Library Use Only.
The location in the library where librarians and library assistants provide users with directions, assistance locating and evaluating resources, answers to questions, etc. Also referred to as an "information desk".
1. A republication of a previous edition of a work.
2. A part of a work (e.g., article, chapter, etc.) that has been published separately.
Materials placed in the library for students to share that may or may not be for a particular course. Borrowing restrictions vary by item. At the Alvin Sherman Library, most reserves are kept at the Circulation Desk and restricted to Library Use Only.
Requesting a loan period extension for borrowed library materials.
An critical evaluation or discussion of a work.
An edition of a published work that has been altered by the author(s) and/or editor(s) since its previous publication.
Call Number
Card Catalog
Circulation Desk / Circulation
Citation Index
Classification Scheme
Conference Reports
Contemporary Materials
Continuing Resource
Controlled Vocabulary
Course Reserves
Cross Reference
Current Periodicals