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ENVS 1500 Natural History of South Florida

Natural History of South Florida

Natural History of South Florida
ENVS 1500
Fall 2024

Through classroom, field trip, and practical experience, this course provides instruction on the general ecology, habitats, vegetation types, wildlife, and conservation issues of Fresh Water Wetlands, Coastal Systems and Upland Systems in South Florida. The course addresses society's role toward various ecosystems and discusses environmental ethics. The course will provide students with examples of common behaviors that negatively affect local species and present simple alternatives that can be incorporated into their daily lives. Students will also be taught naturalist interpretation skills during hikes through local natural areas. 

Required Textbooks:

Recommended Textbooks:

  • Determine and characterize environmental variables associated with aquatic, wetland and upland ecosystems of South Florida
  • Document the presence of living organisms during lab and field trip excursions
  • Utilize field guides to identify South Florida flora and fauna
  • Identify ecosystems and common habitat types used by South Florida species
  • Develop interpretative, educational projects which relate to the local environment
  • Discuss local environmental threats and the importance of environmental ethics

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