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MBIO 3700 - Biology of Fishes

Course guide for Biology of Fishes/Lab (MBIO 3700)

Biology of Fishes
MBIO 3700
Fall 2024

This is an introduction to the major groups of fishes such as jawless, cartilaginous and bony fishes. Topics will include the diversity of extant fishes from various aquatic habitats, with emphasis on local species, the anatomy, physiology, behavior, ecology and evolution of fishes, and fisheries conservation and enhancement practices.

Recommended Textbooks:

  • Describe the taxonomic classification, fundamental behavior and ecology of fishes.
  • Identify various anatomical structures, in addition to describing their functions as well as a range of physiological processes commonly observed in fishes.
  • Compare and contrast the impacts caused by commercial versus conservation practices and restoration techniques used today.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in a variety of fish collection techniques.
  • Perform proper preservation and identification techniques for adult and larval fishes in field and laboratory settings.



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