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Strategic Community Planning and Partnership

Guide supporting students enrolled in CARD 6619 and CARM 6619 courses.


Byrne, S., & Carter, N. (1996). Social cubism: Six social forces of ethnoterritorial politics. Peace and Conflict Studies Journal, 3(2). Retrieved from

McKay, J. (2002). The use of social cubism in the analysis of community conflicts. ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law, 8(3), 883-899. Retrieved from


Block, P. (2018). Community: The structure of belonging (2nd ed). Berrett-Koehler. {There are two versions of this ebook available through the library, but for the 2008 1st edition. Check with your professor to see if you can use these.}

Via O'Reilly:



Karsh, E. & Fox, A. S. (2014). The only grant-writing book you'll ever need (4th ed.). Basic Books. {The Alvin Sherman Library has this book, print version.} {THERE ARE OTHER BOOKS YOU MAY CHOOSE}


Phillips, R. & Pittman, R. (Eds.) (2015). An Introduction to community development (2nd ed.). Routledge.