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Email Etiquette: Professionalism

How to compose professional emails that get the job done and make you look good.

Maintaining a Professional Persona

The part of your email that reinforces your professional persona right at the moment the reader finishes reading the text and decides how they will respond is the signature block (this is not, literally, you signing your name at the end of the email, but the block of text at the end of the email that contain things like your name, title, phone number, etc.). This section at the end of the email is typically preceded by the complimentary closing (where you might use phrases like "Best Regards," or "Sincerely," before signing your email.

Consider these tips about how to end your email successfully with a professional signature:

  • Use your email client to create at least one official signature that you can re-use with each email without having to re-type or copy and paste it each time. You might even consider creating a few alternate signatures for specific purposes or clients. Make sure to include things like your full name, position title, organization name, and contact information.
  • Be wary of sharing too much personal information in the signature, identifying political or personal belief systems, or identifying favorite quotes or media entities. Unless it is relevant to your field or workplace, your professional email signature is not the best place to declare your love for specific book or movie quotes. You should also be a careful in this section (and throughout the email) in how you use humor. You might include a quote in your signature that you think is funny, but others may not share your sense of humor. In most professional settings, there is no expectation that you will share personal social media account information, phone number, or other personally identifying data.