Coral Reef Ecology
MSMS 6002
Winter 2025
Coral reefs are one of the world’s most diverse, productive and widely studied ecosystems. Yet like most high-diversity ecosystems, they are threatened by a broad range of anthropogenic disturbances and climate change. This course is an introduction to coral biology and advanced research on the ecology of coral reefs. The course will focus on major aspects of coral reef biology (anatomy, skeleton formation, life history strategies), the geological history of reefs and their formation, and the ecology of corals reefs (population dynamics, demographics, reef community structure, diversity, effects of environmental disturbances, competition on coral reefs, coral reef fishes and novel research methods). Emphasis will be placed on the mechanisms and processes that shape coral reef communities and how they respond to global change. The course will combine the presentation of theoretical quantitative and conceptual models in lectures, and is designed for students to develop the ability to appreciate good science.
All course materials are provided in as pdf files (e.g., scientific journal articles). No textbook is required for this course.
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