Behavioral Physiology
MSMS 6023
Winter 2022
This course will provide an overview of behavioral physiology, which is a growing, interdisciplinary research area that stems from the idea that animal physiology and behavior are inextricably linked and mutually enriching fields of study. This field focuses on identifying the causal physiological mechanisms responsible for observed behavioral patterns in animal species, and distinguish which mechanisms are common across animal groups and which are unique adaptations to specific taxa. Animals also face a barrage of natural and anthropogenic pressures driven by environmental factors throughout their lifetime, which can modulate the connection between physiology and behavior. We will discuss topics spanning a range of subjects related to animal behavior and physiology, including metabolic physiology, biomechanics, sociality, neurophysiology, endocrinology, and more, and highlight the methods that scientists are currently using to study animal behavior and physiology both in the lab and in the field.
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