Your Liaison Librarian also recommends:
For a more comprehensive list of available library subscription databases, please see the 2 links to all HPD and NSU databases below.
Every database has this option:
Setup an Account or Folder on each database you search.
EBSCOhost databases:
1. Try using one of the Brainstorming visual aids to help map your topic.
2. Use NSU Databases to find articles related to your subject such as Education or Psychology databases.
EndNote is a software application that is free to all NSU students, faculty and staff.
Why use Endnote?
Subject searching:
Searches by topic or subject
Keyword searching (the default in most databases) :
Try mixing both approaches.
Give your self plenty of time - in depth searching is not the same as googling
To Find:
---Use the HPD Library Catalog to locate print and e-journals
Plan your strategy:
Read background information to find search terms:
Identify search terms:
Librarian tips:
Selecting your articles:
Ask your librarian for help at the BEGINNING of the research process!
1. Looking for ARTICLE titles that exactly match your topic.
2. Search terms are too narrow or too broad.
3. Missing citation pearls.
4. Forgetting to save searches that produce great results for use later
5. Keep your topic general until you've done some background searching.
J Prosthet Dent. 2010 May;103(5):321-2.
Antimicrobial filling of implant cavities.
Kern M, Harder S.
Journal title: Journal of prosthetic dentistry
(look up the abbreviation in PubMed Journals database)
Date: May 2010
Volume: 103
Issue: 5
Pages: 321-322
Authors: Kern M and Harder S
Article title: Antimicrobial filling of implant cavities
Articles that are published in peer-reviewed or refereed journals are recognized as scholarly contributions to their academic or medical field. You can identify peer-reviewed journals by searching for the journal title in Ulrich's Periodical Directory.