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Mendeley: Mendeley Web

Importing to Mendeley Web

Mendeley Web allows you to access your saved research on the go (depending on how much of your data you decide to sync) and collect citations while browsing online databases.

Using Mendeley's web importer bookmark, you can create citations while researching online. To add the importer button to your browser, go to the Mendeley web importer page and choose the installation link for the browser you are using.

Importing Citations from a Database

With the "Web Importer" bookmark, you can pull citation information directly from academic article databases like Academic Search or JSTOR, the Library catalog, and Google Scholar.

  • Before you use the bookmark you may need to change the settings of your popup blocker.

  • Once a page or set of search results has been selected, click the "Import to Mendeley" bookmark and the citation information will be gathered and displayed in a pop-up window (as shown in the next section), so you can mark it for import into your Mendeley library.

  • On a computer with the desktop version, you can download the full text of an article and merge the citation info from the database with the record for the file.

Import Citations

You can use the bookmark to cite sources while on a search results page. When you search a database and find results you would like to cite:

  • Click the bookmark

  • If you are not already logged in, you will be prompted to do so.

  • A new window will appear on the right side of the screen displaying the search results.

  • You can then add tags and notes to the citation, as well as assign it to a Folder/Collection.


Note: the Web Importer can gather most citations well, but it has trouble ingesting PDFs. We recommend that you use the desktop application to import PDFs.

Similarities between desktop and web app

Features that are similar to the desktop application:

  • Manually add citations
  • Make Folders/Collections of citations and documents
  • Edit citations
  • Add tags to citations
  • Mark documents as Favorites or Read/Unread


Because a free Mendeley account limits your online library space to 2GB, you might choose not to sync all the documents from your Mendeley desktop to your web account. These settings are controlled in the Mendeley Desktop application. You can turn off syncing for either all documents or for certain folders.