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DMFT 5037 - Suicide Prevention and Crisis Intervention - Mejia: Class Readings

Dr. Mejia Class Readings

Week 1: Introduction and Foundations

  • Required Online Video: ABC 20/20 Season 31, Episode 50: “Accident or Suicide?”:
  • Required Canvas Video (to be watched after you have completed watching the ABC 20/20 program): Drs. Poland & Flemons introduce the course and talk about the 20/20 case. Required Website: Familiarize yourself with the following website, click on “publications” on the left side of the page, go to “SVP Newsletters,” and look through some of the issues in preparation for your first Discussion Board posting:
  • Suggested Website: Familiarize yourself with the following website and review the most recent data on the incidence of suicide across the lifespan:

Week 2: The Suicidal Mind

  • Required Website: Familiarize yourself with the following website and review the content within the five subheadings under “Suicide Prevention Basics”:

Week 3: Suicidal Behavior

  • Required Canvas Video: Drs. Flemons and Poland discuss Joiner’s Myths about Suicide
  • Suggested Website: Review the content under “Library and Resources” at

Week 4: Causes, Consequences and Lethal Means

  • Required Online Reading: Interview with Dr. Anestis about his book, Guns and Suicide in the SVP Fall, 2019 Newsletter:
  • Required Online Video: Steel, E. (2006). The Bridge. Koch Lorber Films. Running time: 94 minutes.
  • Required Canvas Video: Drs. Poland and Flemons talk about The Bridge and lethality.

Week 5: Suicide Risk and Prevention Across the Life Span (Schools, Colleges, the Elderly)

  • Lieberman, R., Poland, S., & Kornfeld, C. (2014). Suicide intervention in the schools. In A. Thomas & P. Harrison (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology VI (pp. 273-288). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
  • Spencer-Thomas, S., & Jahn, D. R. (2012). Tracking a movement: U.S. milestones in suicide prevention. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 42(1), 78-85.
  • Lieberman, R., Poland, S. & Cassel. R (2008) Best Practices in Suicide Intervention. In Thomas, A. E., & Grimes, J. E. (2002). Best practices in school psychology V,  (pp.1457-1473) Bethesda, MD:. National Association of School Psychologists.
  • Required Website and Online Video: Familiarize yourself with the following website and view the “Staff Awareness Video” featuring Drs. Poland and Flemons:

Suggested Readings:

Suggested Website Article: SPRC Brief on Suicide and Bullying:

Week 6: Suicide Risk and Prevention in the Military and Prisons

Required Readings:

  • Metzner, J. L., & Hayes, L. M. (2006). Suicide prevention in jails and prisons. In R. I. Simon & R. Generated: 1/6/2020 Page 3 of 21 E. Hales (Eds.), Textbook of Suicide Assessment and Management (pp. 139-155). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Required Online Video:

Required Canvas Video:

  • Drs. Poland and Flemons discuss the 60 Minutes profile of Clay Hunt and the factors contributing to suicide in the military and in prisons.

Suggested Reading:

Suggested Website Articles:

Week 7: February 14-20

  • Review and Midterm Exam Posted

Week 8: Suicide, Self Harming, & Harming Others

Required Readings (Canvas)

Required Online Videos:

  • Dateline Real Crime Story about Josh Powell: (This is a link to the first of six videos; you need to watch all of them. The other five appear on the same site.)

Suggested Reading (Electronic Reader):

  • Lieberman, R. & Poland, S. (2006). Self-mutilation. In G. G. Bear & K. M. Minke (Eds.), Children’s needs III. Washington, DC: National Association of School Psychologists.

Week 9: March 1-6

Spring Break - No Assignments

Week 10: Suicide Assessment: Risks and Resources

Required Textbook:

  • Relational Suicide Assessment, pp. xi – 14; 54 – 135, Available in the Press HPD Library Reserve Area

Required Canvas Video:

  • Drs. Flemons and Poland talk about suicide assessment.

Suggested Online Article:

Week 11: Suicide Assessment: Safety

Required Textbook:

  • Relational Suicide Assessment, pp. 136 – 216, Available in the Press HPD Library Reserve Area.

Required Canvas Video:

  • NSU’s Suicide Assessment training video (44 minutes) featuring Drs. Flemons and Poland:

Week 12: Managing Suicidality: Intervention with Individuals, Families, Organizations, and Populations

Required Readings (Canvas)

Required Website Article:

Required Canvas Video:

  • Drs. Flemons and Poland talk about managing suicidality.

Suggested Website Article:

  • Rural Youth:

Suggested Readings (Electronic Reader):

Week 13: Crisis Intervention

Required Reading (Electronic Reader)

Required Online Article:

  • Interview with Sue Klebold in the August, 2017 SVP Newsletter:

Required Online Video:

  • Poland, S. (2009): Congressional Testimony on School Safety and Bullying, Prevention Joint Committee, Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary Education and Healthy Families and Communities Subcommittees, United States House of Representatives:

Suggested Website Article:

Week 14: Managing the Aftermath of Crisis and Suicide: Postvention for Survivors, Professionals, Organizations, & Populations

Required Readings (Canvas)

  • Jobes, D. A., Luoma, J. B., Hustead, L. A., & Mann, R. E. (2000). In the wake of suicide: Survivorship and postvention. In R. W. Maris, A. L. Berman, & M. M. Silverman (Eds.), Comprehensive textbook of suicidology (pp. 536-561). New York: The Guilford Press.

Required Readings (Posted to Canvas):

  • Poland, S. (2008, Winter). Sarpy County Nebraska knows it takes the community to stop a youth suicide cluster. AAS Newslink, 25-27.
  • Poland, S. (2019). Answering students’ questions after a suicide. Unpublished manuscript.

Required Website Toolkit:

  • AFSP & SPRC (2018). After a suicide: A toolkit for schools (pp. 1-48). Washington, DC: Author. Download from

Required Canvas Video:

  • Drs. Poland and Flemons talk about postvention.

Week 15: Review

Required Canvas Video (to prepare for a portion of the Final Exam):

Required Online Video (to prepare for a portion of the Final Exam):

Week 16: April 18-24

  • Required Final Exam