Histology and Ultrastructure of Marine Organisms
MSMS 6021
Summer 2024
This intensive course will examine the fine and ultrastructure of marine organisms and range in focus from bacterial cells to fish tissue. Lectures and labs will be conducted to examine structure and function of tissue and cells of several marine groups. Light and electron microscopy in conjunction with molecular methods for study of bacterial cells such as FISH (Fluorescence In-situ hybridization) will be discussed. Additionally, the complementary nature of cell and tissue imaging using light and electron microscopy will be examined. Fixed and embedded blocks of student research specimens will be supplied, and students will section and stain their samples for examination in the light and/or electron microscope. Imaging and image capture methods including quantification of structural features using ImageJ will be conducted. Students will prepare their results for presentation and submit a term paper at the end of the semester.
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