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MSMS 6005, BIOL 3300 - Invertebrate Zoology

Course guide for Invertebrate Zoology (MSMS 6005, BIOL 3300)

Invertebrate Zoology
MSMS 6005, BIOL 3300
Fall 2024

Invertebrate zoology including introductory anatomy, physiology, phylogeny, and ecology of major animal phyla through non-vertebrate chordates and including heterotrophic protists, with emphasis on marine organisms.

Required Textbooks:

Recommended Textbooks:

  • Explain and be able to use basic taxonomic and phylogenetic theory and practice, including application of homology, monophyly and parsimony in reconstructing evolutionary hypotheses
  • Describe the anatomy, classification, ecology, physiology and life histories of major groups and subgroups of marine invertebrates, including animal-like "Protista"
  • Explain the primary hypotheses associated with major structural advances in the animal kingdom, including multicellularity, germ layer differentiation, and development of body cavities
  • Identify from preserved and living material major groups and subgroups of marine invertebrates, including representatives at familial, generic and specific levels, particularly of forms found in South Florida, as well as important life history stages, distributions and functional adaptations to specific environments
  • Use and be able to discuss primary literature sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal publications) on marine invertebrates



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