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The Bluebook

This guide is intended to help NSU College of Law Students with legal citations

Legislative Materials- B13

A full citation to legislative materials will include:

  • The title of the material
  • The abbreviated name of the legislative body
  • The number assigned to the material 
  • The number of the Congress and/or legislative sessions 
  • The year of publication 

For further guidance, see Rule 13.

Books and Treatises- B15

Books and other non periodic material citations should include:

Erwin Chemerinsky, Constitutional Law: Principles and Policies 124 (6th ed. 2019).

  • The volume number (if applicable) 
  • The full names of the authors as written on the publication 
    • If two authors- separate with an & in the order listed 
    • If more than two, may list all or just the first name followed by "et. al."
  • The title of the publication (underlined or in italics)
  • A pincite (if applicable)
  • A parenthetical indicating the year of publication, the name of the editor (if applicable) and the edition (if applicable)

Commonly cited works:

EasementBlack's Law Dictionary (11th. ed. 2019).

3A Am. Jur. 2d Aliens and Citizens § 36 (2021).

16B C.J.S. Constitutional Law § 1164 (2021).

For further guidance, see Rule 15.

Periodical Material- B16

Periodicals are things like law reviews, magazines, newspapers or anything that is published at a regular interval. 

Citations to these materials should include

  • Full name to the author as written in the publication 
  • The title of the article (underlined or in italics) 
  • The abbreviated name of the publication using the abbreviation tables (T3 and T6)
  • A pincite
  • The date of publication 

Orin S. Kerr, Cross Enforcement of the Fourth Amendment, 132 Harv. L. Rev. 471, 495 (2018).

For further guidance, see Rule 16.

Online Resources- B18

Full citations of online materials should include:

  • The name of the author (if applicable)
  • The title of the specific page of the website (underlined or in italics) 
  • The tile of the main page of the website
  • The date and time of posting (if applicable) 
    • If there is no date of posting, then include a last updated or last visited. 
  • The url 

For further guidance, see Rule 18.