Liaison Librarians assist with research, finding full text to articles, and learning to use HPD Library resources such as EndNote or HPD Databases.
In-Person or Zoom Consultation:
Available 7:30am-5:30pm M-F
Send your question to
Reference Desk: 954-262-3108 or 800-541-6682 ext. 23108
Schedule an appointment by filling out this form.
To print from any computer or laptop on campus:
1. Save your document
2. Choose SharkPrint portal
3. Login and choose WebPrint
4. Upload your file- choose the Main Campus printing station
5. Go to any SharkPrint Release station to print your file
Prices: BW $.05 page
Color $.10 page
Duplex(2 sided) $.10
iMac users:
HPD is #19
Sherman Library is #7