NSU faculty, students, staff= your NSU username and password
[Example: smith1212@nova.edu - user name is smith1212 ]
NSU clinical faculty, guests, public library patrons = last name and HPD Library ID number -
Contact HPD Front Desk for help: 954-262-3106 or hpdcirc@nova.edu
Your Shark Link login identifies you as a patron of HPD Library and provides FREE access to articles.
If you access databases from work or a hospital, your firewall at work may block the Shark Link login pop-up window. Set your Internet Options Security tab (Under Tools) to Medium or lower to allow the Shark Link login to operate.
Avoid using phrases or sentences for Search Terms. Use the most important Keyword in each search box.
Boolean logic is used to search databases.
Rockwell Schrock's Boolean Machine tutorial on Boolean Logic.