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Audiology: Find the Full Text Article in a Database

Recommended resources for audiology students and faculty

Find It

If the full text article is not immediately available in the database, follow the steps on this page to search for the article. 

The Find It link will search for the journal, that contains the article, throughout the library's electronic & print resources

Step 1: Find It

In the database, click on the  link located next to the article citation. A new window will open with the article citation and several links listed below it.


  • Direct Link to Article. If this link is not available or not directing you to the artilce, click on Journal Finder Step 2
  • Browse to Article. Ignore this link (NOT always an option)
  • Full Text Finder (previously called Journal Finder): Searches all of our electronic resources for the full text article. Step 2


  • NovaCat: If the journal is not available electronically, click on NovaCat, the library catalog, to search for the print journal Step 3  (Local students only) (Distance students skip to Step 4)


  • Illiad: If the journal is not available electronically or in print, request the article from the Interlibray Loan Department (ILL) Step 4



Here is an example of the results after clicking on



Step 2: Search the Full Text Finder (previously called Journal Finder) for a Specific Electronic Journal

I. Search


 From the  results page for your selected article, click on Journal Finder option 


From the HPD Library Homepage, use the Full-Text Finder to look for a specific journal in our electronic resources.

  1. Click on “Search Full-Text Finder”
  2. Type in the exact journal title
  3. If you are unsure of the exact title, use the drop-down box and select "Contains" to search for words within a title


  • If the journal is available electronically, there will be one or more resources listed.


  • ALWAYS check the date ranges and embargoes (if any) listed next to the resource. Check the date on your citation and select the resource that contains that year.

          If the year you need is not available, go on to Step 3 (Local Students) or Step 4 (Distance Students)


Date Ranges:

Full-text availability dates. This will vary by resource.

If your date is not available, go to Step 3 (local students) or Step 4 (distance students)



Embargoes (Black Out Periods):

Full text articles are not available during the embargo period.

Example: an embargo of 7 months means no full text for the past 7 months.


Browse for Article

1. Once you have selected the correct resource, click on the title.

2. Another window will open to the resource, but not your specific article. You will need to browse for the correct year/volume/issue.

3. Once you select the correct year/volume/issue, you will see a list of articles for that specific issue. Browse the list until you find the article. 

Every resource looks different, the screenshot below is just one example


  • Look for a list of years or volumes. Click on the correct one for your article.


  • Look for a link to the Archives, Back Issues, or Back-List


  • Look for a search box and enter the article title.

Step 3: Search the Catalog for Print Journals


Step 4: Interlibrary Loan

Request an Article

  • Material not available in NSU's print and electronic resources can be requested from Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
  • This is a FREE service.
  • ILL will try to obtain the article from another library system in the United States.
  • Please keep in mind that this service can take several days.



  1. On the results screen, click on Order this item through ILLiad
  2. Log in with your Nova ID & password
  3. On the first dropdown box, select if you are local or distance
  4. The other required fields should already be completed
  5. Click on Submit Request
  6. If ILL is able to obtain the article, you will receive an email with a link to your ILLiad account.
  7. Log in and click on Electronically Received Articles to view the article (left side of screen)