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Health Data & Statistics



Provides health-related data from many different programs and agencies, featuring over 4300 health indicators. Browse the entire website or click on links below for specific information. Tip: 


Florida Department of Health Statistics & Data

Provides access to a variety of health statistics and data (some duplication from FLHealthCHARTS 


Florida Environmental Public Health Tracking

In partnership with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention this resource provides data on environmental hazards, exposures and health effects.

Includes hospital discharge, emergency department and outpatient data for Florida.  


State Health Facts (Keiser Foundation)

Tables available on demographics and the economy, health cost and budgets, health coverage and uninsured, health status, HIV/AIDS, managed care and health insurance, medicaid and CHIP, medicare, minority health, providers and service use and women's health.  State comparison options available.


Stats of the States for Florida (CDC)
Resource from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


County Health

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Community Health Status Indicators
Key health indicators at the county level.  Topics include demographics, summary measures of health, leading causes of death, measures of birth and death, relative health importance, vulnerable populations, environmental health, preventative services use, risk factors for premature death, and access to care.

State Health

Kaiser Family Foundation

State Health Facts
Tables available on demographics and the economy, health cost and budgets, health coverage and uninsured, health status, HIV/AIDS, managed care and health insurance, medicaid and CHIP, medicare, minority health, providers and service use and women's health.  State comparison options available.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion - State Snapshots
Includes links to surveys and statistics on disease and health related issues.

FastStats: State and Territorial Data
Basic statistics from CDC publications, links to more data and related resources.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and U of Wisconsin Population Health Institute

County Health Ranking

This web site provides access to the 50 state reports, ranking each county within the 50 states according to its health outcomes and the multiple health factors that determine a county’s health. Each county receives a summary rank for its health outcomes and health factors and also for the four different types of health factors: health behaviors, clinical care, social and economic factors, and the physical environment. Each county can also drill down to see specific county-level data (as well as state benchmarks) for the measures upon which the rankings are based.