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Health Data & Statistics


Department of Health and Human Services

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Basic statistics from CDC publications, links to more data and related resources.

Women's Health

Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS): Collects state-specific data on maternal attitudes and experiences before, during, and shortly after pregnancy. Researchers can request the PRAMS Analytic Research File through the CDC. 

Office on Women's Health

Health Information Gateway
Create custom tables at the state and county level using health indicators related to demographics, mortality, natality, reproductive health, violence, prevention, disease and mental health.  View the Women's Health and Mortality Chartbook, which provides state profiles of women's health, and the Health Disparities Profile which also gives state level indicators.

EU Agency for Fundamental Rights 

Violence Against Women Survey

Data from this survey addresses the prevalence of violence against women in EU countries and the consequences of that violence for the women involved. 

Kaiser Family Foundation

Women's Health Care Policy
Collection of reports and fact sheets, many with statistical information.

Women's Health Indicators


Boston University Center for Anti-racist Research

         COVID Racial Data Tracker

Department of Health and Human Services

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Basic statistics from CDC publications, links to more data and related resources.

Health of American Indian or Alaskan Native Population

Health of Asian or Pacific Islander Population

Health of Black or African American Population

Health of Hispanic or Latino Population

Health of Mexican American Population

Indian Health Service

Division of Program Statistics
Provides American Indian/Alaska Native demographic and patient care information.  Mainly provides reports with statistical tables and charts discussing health trends and regional differences.

Office of Minority Health

Statistics are accessible by minority group or health topic.  Links to relevants reports from the Department of Health and Human Services, such as the National Healthcare Disparities Report.

Inter-University Consortium on Political and Social Research

Resource Center for Minority Data
Access to data sets for secondary analysis, some with options for online analysis.

Kaiser Family Foundation

Disparities Policy
Collection of reports and fact sheets, many with statistical information and with a focus on policy and health care coverage.