If you already have a personal account within another Elsevier product, like Scopus, you can log into ClinicalKey using this username and password.
To register for a new account:
- Access Clinicalkey from one of the NSU Library pages
- Click the “Register” link in the top right.
- Enter your data. Your email address will be your username.
- Note: ClinicalKey automatically logs you out after 30 minutes of inactivity. You can also logout manually.

Why create a personal account?
- Download ebook chapters. You can read ebooks online, but you can only download chapter pdf's after you create a personal account.
- Presentation maker – create a presentation to share with colleagues or care teams. Or use this feature to easily download images and incorporate these into your class presentations. Downloaded images include all the copyright information you need to properly acknowledge your sources.
- CME credit – earn CME credits for your usage! Just click CME on the search results pages for more information. You must be logged into your personal account in order to receive CME credit.
- Reading list – save a collection of content you can return to when you have time to read it.
- Saved searches – save yourself time by saving a search and updating it when you return to the site.
- First Consult Mobile app – You can download the mobile app for the FirstConsult section of Clinicalkey. FirstConsult is designed to be a convenient "clinical support tool" for the busy clinician a the point of care.