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Download Library E-books

This guide is for users of the NSU libraries to identify databases that carry downloadable materials and to learn how to download the materials to various devices.

Downloading ebooks

This guide is designed to show you how to use our resources to download available ebooks from certain NSU databases to your device.

What do you need?

What do you need to download an entire ebook using the NSU databases?

These directions are for downloading ebooks from eBook Central, and eBook Collections.

1. A device that supports Adobe Digital Editions or Bluefire Reader. Ebooks can be downloaded to iPads, PCs and several types of ereaders including a NOOK and Sony ereader. (Not sure if your device supports these applications? Check here.)

2. An Alvin Sherman Library public card or Sharklink ID to use the NSU databases.

3. Adobe Digital Editions or Bluefire Reader. Adobe Digital Editions is a free program that allows you to load the entire ebook for viewing and transfer it to a device. If you want to download to an ipad (or Apple device) you will want to download the Bluefire Reader application or the database specific application.

4. Create a free account with the ebook database(s). eBook Central, and EBSCO ebooks allows you to download ebooks. You will need to create a free account online for each database to be able to send the ebook to Adobe Digital Editions or Bluefire. Instructions to create an account are located in the box below. You can access these databases with your Sherman Library card or SharkLink ID either at home or in the library.

Creating Free Accounts

To download ebooks using NSU's databases you will also need to set up a free account with the database vendor. It is this system that helps allow you to download the ebook to Adobe Digital Editions for you to use.

To do this, you will need a NSU library card or your Sharklink ID and password to login to the databases so you will be able to access the free account pages.

To create a free account in EBSCO, login to the EBSCO database via NSU on this page. Once logged in, click on the "sign in" link near the very top of the page. On the next page that it provides click on the link that says, "create a new account" near the upper right side of the page. Then follow the steps to create an account.

Downloadable Ebook Databases

Here is a listing of the databases the NSU libraries have that contain some downloadable ebooks:

Using Mobile Devices

If you want to use cloudLibrary on your tablet or smartphone, please go to your App Store and download their app(s).


You MUST have the correct software loaded to be able to download an ebook.

For a PC and some ereader devices you will want to use ADOBE DIGITAL EDITIONS. For an ipad and other MAC products and some types of tablets you need either the BLUEFIRE READER application or the ebook database's specific application such as "cloudLibrary". You would get these apps from your smart device's app store.

Also remember to ask yourself: do I need to download? If you just want to view a book on a PC, wifi enabled ipad or laptop most of our ebook databases will let you view a book without downloading it.

Overdrive (Libby)

Overdrive is an ebook database vendor that offers downloadable ebooks for fiction materials and some new fiction. The NSU libraries currently does not have a subscription to Overdrive, however if you live in Broward Country, the Broward County Library (BCL) system does have access to this database. If you are interested in this database you may want to contact your local BCL branch to learn more or visit their website. The NSU Library does offer some popular fiction ebooks in the database cloudLibrary.