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Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your frequently asked library questions!

Searching and Finding Materials

  • How do I find scholarly articles?
    • Search for scholarly articles in one of our library databases.
    • Learn more about database searching here.
  • How do I get the full text of an article?
    • When searching in a database, click Full Text link to access the PDF or HTML version of a resource, or use the FindIt button to access the full text through a different database.
    • For a demonstration, watch this video
  • How do I narrow my search in a library database?
    • Use the database limiters and filters to narrow your search results.
    • Learn more about using database filters here.
  • How do I find a book? 
    • Search the library catalog (Novacat) by keyword, title, author, subject, or ISN number. 
    • Once you find the book you want, make a note of the Call Number so you can locate it on the library shelves.
    • For a demonstration, watch this video.
  • Why should I care if an article is peer reviewed?
    • The peer review process is a part of the research process.
    • Authors submit their article to a journal for peer review.
    • The journal asks other experts in the same field to review the article before it is published.
    • Once the article is approved through the peer review process, it can then be published in the journal.
    • Papers that pass the peer-review process are considered more credible.

Citation Help

  • How do I find citation resources?
  • How do I cite something that's in a foreign language?
    • When creating an APA Style reference list entry for a work in another language, provide the reference information in the work’s original language.
    • Then, add a translation of only the title of the work in the language you are writing in within square brackets after the original title, as shown here
  • How can I tell if an auto-generated citation is wrong?
    • Use our Citation Help resources to check for errors in a citation.

Razor's Research Bytes

  • What’s the difference between RRB vs Library homework
    • Razor's Research Bytes is a self-paced library orientation that consists of a series of "bite-size" online modules that introduce general research concepts, and illustrate how to efficiently use library resources.
    • Library homework is an assignment associated with a specific course where a librarian provided instruction. 
  • How do I access the library bytes/ library Canvas course?
    • ​​​​​​Bytes are available in the "Library Bytes" module when you log in to your Canvas course.

Requesting Materials

  • How does Interlibrary Loan (ILL) work?
    • Local NSU students, faculty, staff, and public patrons with a NSU SharkCard or library card are eligible to request materials that are not available at NSU through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). 
    • Log in to your ILLIAD account with your NSU SharkID and Password to request materials from other libraries.