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Exercise and Sport Science

Exercise and Sport Science

Search the Full Text Finder


I. Find

The Journal Finder does not accept the journal title abbreviation (AMA citation style uses abbreviations)

If your citation has the journal abbreviation and you can't figure out the journal name, go to 

  1. PubMed Journals Database

  2. Type in the abbreviation and click on Search

  3. Example: Clin Ther     Results: Clinical Therapeutics

  4. Use the full title in the Journal Finder


II. Search the Journal Finder

 Enter the journal name NOT the article title or the abbreviated journal name (AMA citation style)



From the HPD Library Homepage, use the Full-Text Finder to look for a specific journal in our electronic resources.

  1. Click on “Search Full-Text Finder”
  2. Type in the exact journal title
  3. If you are unsure of the exact title, use the drop-down box and select "Contains" to search for words within a title



  • If the journal is available electronically, one or more resources will be listed.

  • ALWAYS check date ranges and embargoes (if any) listed next to the resource.

  • Check your citation and select the resource that contains that year.



Browse for Article

1. Once you have selected a resource, click on the title.

2. The resource will not open directly to your article so browse to the correct year/volume/issue or if there is a search box, type in the article title 


If we do not have the journal available electronically

Request the article from our Interlibrary Loan department (ILL).