If we don't have what you are looking for, request it from Interlibrary Loan
- This is a free service.
- ILL will try to obtain the material from another library system somewhere in the United States.
- NSU distance students can request NSU owned print material (chapters from reserve books, articles from print journals)
- This service can take several days.
- Please carefully read the policies listed on the ILL page for more information about this service.
Types of material that can be requested
- books
- book chapters
- journal articles
- conference papers
- theses
- dissertations
- Go to ILL
- Click on the Illiad icon in the middle of the page
- Log in with your Nova ID & password
- Click on the type of material For example: Journal Article (left side of screen)
- Enter the requested information in all of the required fields on the form
- Click on Submit Request
- If ILL is able to obtain the physical material (book or dissertation), they will mail it to you. You are responsible for the return postage.
- If ILL is able to obtain the material electronically, you will receive an email with a link to your ILLiad account.
- Log in and click on Electronically Received Articles to view the article or book chapter (left side of screen)