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CBD 0505: Working with Families of Exceptional Learners

Course Description

This guide contains library resources and other resources to support CBD 505. 

Course Description:
This course will enable participants to develop knowledge of historical influences of parents in the provision of education of students with disabilities. Participants will become familiar with past and present issues, priorities, problems and concerns facing parents. Further, participants will examine the emotional stages parents of students with disabilities frequently experience and will identify behavioral characteristics of the different emotions that parents encounter. Cultural factors impacting on parents' emotional reactions will be explored. Emphasis will be placed on participants' gaining an understanding of parents' emotional responses to their student's disability and enabling them to communicate and interact effectively with parents.

Course Goals

By the end of this course, the you will be able to:

  • Synthesize research related to families of exceptional learners.
  • Analyze and apply the Council for Exceptional Children Professional Practice Standards in relation to persons with exceptionalities and their families.
  • Discuss the fundamental concepts of legal basis regarding students with disabilities.

Class Resources