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I.D.E.A. Labs: 3D Print Lab

3D Printers

A solution somewhere in between our Makerbot Replicator+ and our Lulzbot Taz 5, the Dremel 3d45 is both dependable and flexible. As a printer that comes enclosed out of the box, it handles the cold temperatures of the library much better than the other two while still allowing for a wider selection of filament types. 


The 3D Print Lab houses a Makerbot Replicator +. It creates objects from digital files by applying successive layers of material. This series of Makerbot printer provides a stronger grip surface area and sturdy extruder which increases the accuracy of the print. This particular model also includes an onboard camera to give us real time feedback on the printing of the model. This printer uses 1.75 mm (0.069 in) of PLA (polylactic acid) filament, a biodegradable corn-based plastic.


The Press HPD Library's second printer, the Lulzbot TAZ 5, was funded by a National Network of Libraries award.

This printer has a heated bed and a print head that give it the capability to print with a variety of materials.

The TAZ 5 has multiple printer heads, allowing it to print in both hard and flexible materials, and two types of materials at the same time

This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. HHS-N-276-2011-00004-C with the University of Maryland Baltimore.

Acquired in Spring 2018, The Formlabs Form 2 is a stereolithography (SLA) 3D printer that uses a laser to cure solid isotropic parts from a liquid photopolymer resin. The Form 2 is able to print models in higher detail and in a variety of advanced resins. Our available resin includes standard gray and white, and dental model resin.

Find 3D Models

Search for free 3D files (.stl files) on the Internet to print or to modify using 3D design software.

Our Projects


Actual print time 15.5 hours

Design by e-NABLE at

Image of 3D printed hand top view            Image of 3D printed hand side view

                 Assembled hand without and with tensioning system

Actual print time 17:36:54

Created from patient's CT scan for residents in the NSU Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Program to use in the operating room for trauma and facial reconstruction.

Image of 3D printed Maxilla & Mandible front view

Completed print with supports.

Image of Maxilla & Mandible side view

Completed print with supports removed.

Image of Inner Ear 3D printed model

Inner Ear

Open Source design from Thingiverse



Image of Outer Ear 3D printed model

Outer Ear

Open Source design from

The 3D Print Lab

Printing Process - LED Brain

Make 3D Models With Open Source 3D Design Software

Not finding a design from the free online 3D libraries? 

Want to change an existing design?

  • Create or modify a print file with one of these free 3D design software.
  • Always save model as an .stl file

Design Software

3D Editing & Repair Software

Convert Dicom CT scan files to 3D printable STL files
democritiz3D by Embodi3D - a free online converter (requires registration)