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If the textbook is available electronically through the Library - the title will be hyperlinked to the record in the catalog. If it is NOT available electronically through the Library, the call number will be listed and all books will be in the HPD Reserve collection, which can be checked out for in-library use ONLY from the HPD Library front/circulation desk.
If the textbook is available electronically through the Library - the title will be hyperlinked to the record in the catalog. If it is NOT available electronically through the Library, the call number will be listed and all books will be in the HPD Reserve collection, which can be checked out for in-library use ONLY from the HPD Library front/circulation desk.
If the textbook is available electronically through the Library - the title will be hyperlinked to the record in the catalog. If it is NOT available electronically through the Library, the call number will be listed and all books will be in the HPD Reserve collection, which can be checked out for in-library use ONLY from the HPD Library front/circulation desk.