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NSU Oceanographic Campus Library

Use of the Oceanographic Campus Library by NSU students who are not in Marine or Environmental Science programs:

The Oceanographic Campus Library (OCL) at NSU’s Oceanographic Campus (NSU-OC) Guy Harvey Oceanographic Center (GHOC), located in Dania Beach, FL is open to all NSU students, faculty, staff, and researchers with a valid and current NSU ID. 

In order to comply with NIST Grant requirements, security protocols, and priority use of the library by NSU-OC patrons, the following guidelines have been established. 

Visiting NSU patrons must:

  • Call or email before coming to the library to receive a parking pass, which will be emailed to the individual
  • Present NSU ID at park entrance to gain entry and only park on NSU campus
    • If going to any other part of the park, you must pay at the park entrance
  • Be courteous to other patrons using the OC library
  • Understand if security concerns arise, access may be suspended
  • Use GHOC building only during established OC Library hours
  • Understand during special events and/or end of term (final exam) periods, use of the OC Library may be suspended for visiting NSU patrons
  • NSU affiliates may also take the Shark Shuttle to the Oceanographic Center

For hours, address, and location, please visit: 

Use of NSU Oceanographic Campus Library by public:

The NSU Oceanographic Campus Library (OC Library) is not currently open to the public, but there are many ways a public patron can still utilize our resources (outlined below).

  • If you live, work, or attend school in Broward County, you are eligible to apply for an Alvin Sherman Library card.  The Alvin Sherman Library is located on the NSU main campus in Davie, FL.  You will be able to go to that branch and utilize their resources.  You will also be able to access any of the NSU Databases online (many shared by the OC library), both in person and remotely for any that have the public indication (ALL or BROWARD) after the description:



  • To gain access to the NSU Libraries with a Broward Resident card from the Alvin Sherman Library:
  1. Apply for a card at: (click on Registration Form)
  2. View the databases that Broward County (Public) patrons have access to:
  3. On that database page, you can view the databases by A-Z Title or by Subject area.  Marine Science Subject areas include:
    1. Ocean & Aquatic Sciences
    2. Environmental Sciences
  4. For books, ebooks, and other resources, try a search in the NovaCat Catalog:
  5. If you see a book or journal that is at the OC Library exclusively, you can request materials through NSU’s Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Department.

If a public patron would like request permission to use the NSU OC Library for short-term subject related research, they may submit their justification request for consideration to:

NSU Oceanographic Campus Library, 8000 North Ocean Drive, Dania Beach, Florida 33004    

(954) 262-3699    |       |       Hours       |       NSU Libraries