This library guide lists selected resources that support the objectives of the this course.
Course Description:
This course will provide students with the theoretical and practical aspects of the clinical assessment interview. Emphasis is placed on development of communication skills, evaluation strategies, rapport building, consideration of diagnostic data, the mental status examination, and the ability to organize
information in oral and written form. Emphasis will also be placed on the formation of a therapeutic alliance within the context of culture and ethnic diversity.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1) Demonstrate skills that facilitate rapport building and relationship enhancement
2) Gather clinical data through interview(s) sufficient for diagnostic determination and case conceptualization
3) Utilize facilitation techniques needed to apply and evaluate evidence based interventions
4) Conduct and produce a written summary of a Mental Status Examination
5) Identify behavioral and biopsychosocial factors that must be incorporated into interviews with clients of diverse backgrounds
6) Discuss current empirical and theoretical issues in clinical interviewing