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PSY 1610 Adult Intervention I

Contains links to readings and library resources to support Adult Intervention I: 1610.


Barlow, D. H. (Ed.) (2014). Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual (5th ed.). Guilford.

Beck, J. S. (2011). Cognitive behavior therapy: Basics and beyond (3rd ed.). Guilford.

Sommers-Flanagan, J., & Sommers-Flanagan, R (2016). Clinical interviewing. (6th ed.). Wiley. Sherman Library Reserve 1st Floor, RC480.7 .S66 2017

Articles and Book Chapters

Intro to Adult / Interventions and Evidence-Based Practice

APA Task Force on Evidence-Based Practice. (2006). Evidence- based practice in psychology. American Psychologist, 61, 271–285.

Conceptualization, Treatment planning, Effective therapy skills Role-Play 3: Intake, Treatment planning, Goal setting, Risk assessment

Woody, S.R., Detweiler-Bedell, J., Teachman, B.A. & O’Hearn, T. (2003). Developing a problem list. In Treatment planning in psychotherapy: Taking the guesswork out of clinical care. (21-53). Guilford. Sherman Library Reserve 1st Floor, RC 480.52 .T74 2003

Behavioral & Cognitive Treatment for Depression: Evidence-Based Treatments & Efficacy Evaluation Role-Play 4: CBT

Collado, A., Calderón, M., MacPherson, L., & Lejuez, C. (2016). The efficacy of behavioral activation treatment among depressed Spanish-speaking Latinos. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84(7), 651.

Dimidjian, S., Martell, C. R., Herman-Dunn, R. & Hubley, S. (2014). Behavioral activation for depression. In D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by- step treatment manual (5th ed.) (pp. 353-393). Guilford.

Hersen, M., Biaggio, M. (2000). Effective brief therapies: A clinician’s guide. Academic Press.

Nikolaos, K. & L'Abate, L. (2007). Handbook of homework assignments in psychotherapy: research, practice, and prevention. Springer.

Parker, G., Roy, K., & Eyers, K. (2003). Cognitive behavior therapy for depression? Choose horses for courses. American Journal of Psychiatry, 160(5), 825-834. https://doi,org/10.1176/appi.ajp.160.5.825

Young, J. E., Rygh, J. L., Weinberger, A. D., & Beck, A. T. (2014). Cognitive therapy for depression. In D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual (5th ed.) (pp. 275-331). Guilford.

Articles and Book Chapters

Panic Disorder & Agoraphobia: Evidence-Based Treatments & Efficacy Evaluation Role-Play 5: Cognitive Restructuring

Craske, M. G., & Barlow, D. H. (2014). Panic disorder and agoraphobia. In D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual (5th ed.) (pp. 1-61). Guilford.

Tzavela, E. C., Mitskidou, P., Mertika, A., Stalikas, A. & Kasvikis, Y. (2016). Treatment engagement in the early phase of cognitive-behavior therapy for panic disorder: A grounded theory analysis of patient experience, Psychotherapy Research,

Hall, C. B., & Lundh, L. G. (2018). Brief therapist-guided exposure treatment of panic attacks: A pilot study. Behavior Modification, 43(4), 1-23.

Weck, F., Grikscheit, F., Höfling, V., Kordt, A., Hamm, A. O., Gerlach, A. L., Alpers, G.W., Arolt, V., Kircher, T., Pauli, P., Rief, W., & Lang, T. (2016). The role of treatment delivery factors in exposure-based cognitive behavioral therapy for panic disorder with agoraphobia. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 42, 10-18.

Social Anxiety Disorders & Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Evidence-Based Treatments & Efficacy Evaluation Role-P lay 6: Exposure; Fear & Avoidance Hierarchy

Franklin, M. E., & Foa, E. B. (2014). Obsessive-compulsive disorder. In D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual (5th ed.) (pp. 155-205). Guilford.

Gallagher, T., Hembree, E. A., Gillihan, S., & Foa, E. B. (2018). Exposure Therapy for Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In M. J. Dewan, B. N. Steenbarger, & R. P. Greenberg (Eds.), The art and science of brief psychotherapies: An practitioner's guide (pp. 135-172). American Psychiatric Publishing. Request through Interlibrary Loan

Heimberg, R. G., & Magee, L. (2014). Social anxiety disorder. In D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual (5th ed.) (pp.114-154). Guilford.

Henderson, Lynne, Paul Gilbert, and Philip Zimbardo. (2014). Shyness, social anxiety, and social phobia. In S. Hofmaan & P. DiBartolo (Eds.), Social Anxiety (3rd ed.). (pp. 95-115). Elsevier. Request through Interlibrary Loan

Jacoby, R. J., & Abramowitz, J. S. (2016). Inhibitory learning approaches to exposure therapy: A critical review and translation to obsessive-compulsive disorder. Clinical Psychology Review, 49, 28-40.

Piccirillo, M. L., Dryman, M. T., & Heimberg, R. G. (2016). Safety behaviors in adults with social anxiety: Review and future directions. Behavior therapy, 47(5), 675-687.

Schizophrenia: Evidence-Based Treatments & Efficacy Evaluation Role-Play 7: CBT for psychosis psychoeducation, skills training, cognitive restructuring

Stain, H. J., Bucci, S., Baker, A. L., Carr, V., Emsley, R., Halpin, S., Lewin, T., Schall, U., Clarke, V., Crittenden, K., & Startup, M. (2016). A randomised controlled trial of cognitive behaviour therapy versus non-directive reflective listening for young people at ultra high risk of developing psychosis: The detection and evaluation of psychological therapy (DEPTh) trial. Schizophrenia Research, 176(2-3), 212-219.

Tarrier, N. & Taylor, R. (2014). Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. In D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual (5th ed.) (pp. 502-532).Guilford.

Yildiz, M., Özaslan, Z., Incedere, A., Kircali, A., Kiras, F., & Ipçi, K. (2019). The effect of psychosocial skills training and metacognitive Training on social and cognitive functioning in schizophrenia. Archives of Neuropsychiatry, 56(2), 139.

Articles and Book Chapters

Insomnia and Sleep Disorders Evidence-Based Treatments & Efficacy Evaluation Role-Play 8: CBTi

Kaplan, K. A., & Harvey, S. L. (2014). Treatment of Sleep Disturbance. In D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual (5th ed.) (pp. 640-669). Guilford.

Trockel, M., Karlin, B. E., Taylor, C. B., Brown, G. K., & Manber, R. (2015). Effects of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia on suicidal ideation in veterans. Sleep, 38(2), 259-265.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Evidence-Based Treatments & Efficacy Evaluation Role-Play 9: ABCs; CPT

Cusack, K., Jonas, D. E., Forneris, C. A., Wines, C., Sonis, J., Middleton, J. C., Feltner, C., Brownley, K.A., Olmsted, K. R., Greenblatt, A., Weil, A., & Gaynes, B. N. (2016). Psychological treatments for adults with posttraumatic stress disorder: A systematic review and metaanalysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 43, 128-141.

Garcia, H.A., McGeary, C.A., Finley, E.P., McGeary, D.D., Ketchum, N.S., & Peterson, A.L. (2015). The influence of trauma and patient characteristics on provider burnout in VA post-traumatic stress disorder specialty programmes. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 89(1), 66-81.

Monson, C. M., Resick, P. A., & Rizvi, S. L. (2014). Posttraumatic stress disorder. In D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual (5th ed.) (pp. 62-113). Guilford.

Turgoose, D., Ashwick, R., & Murphy, D. (2017). Systematic review of lessons learned from delivering tele-therapy to veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 24(9),1-11.  Request through InterLibrary Loan

Substance abuse and dependence: EBTs & Efficacy Evaluation Role-Play 10: Motivational Interviewing/Motivational Enhancement with GSC Tools

Higgins, S. T., Sigmon, S. C., & Heil, S. H. (2014). Drug Use Disorder. In D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual (5th ed.) (pp. 588-616). Guilford.

McCrady, B. S. (2014). Alcohol use disorders. In D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step- by-step treatment manual (5th ed.) (pp. 533-587). Guilford.

Borderline Personality Disorder: EBTs & Efficacy Evaluation Role Play 11

Linehan, M.M., Korslund, K.E., & Harned, M.S. (2015). Dialectical Behavior Therapy for high suicide risk in individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder:A randomized clinical trial and component analysis. JAMA Psychiatry, 72(5), 475-482.

Neacsiu, A.D., & Linehan, M.M. (2014). Borderline Personality Disorder. In D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual (5th ed.) (pp. 394-501). Guilford.

Interpersonal and brief dynamic therapies

Bleiberg, K. L., & Markowitz, J. C. (2014). Interpersonal psychotherapy for depression. In D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual (5th ed.) (pp. 332-352). Guilford.

Driessen, E., Hegelmaier, L. M., Abbass, A. A., Barber, J. P., Dekker, J. J., Van, H. L., Jansma, E. P., & Cuijpers, P. (2015). The efficacy of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy for depression: a meta-analysis update. Clinical Psychology Review, 42, 1-15.

Couple and Marital Distress: Evidence-Based Treatments & Efficacy Evaluation Role Play 12

Dalgleish, T. L., Johnson, S. M., Burgess Moser, M., Lafontaine, M. F., Wiebe, S. A., & Tasca, G. A. (2015). Predicting change in marital satisfaction throughout emotionally focused couple therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 41(3), 276-291.

Wiebe, S. A., Johnson, S. M., Lafontaine, M. F., Burgess Moser, M., Dalgleish, T. L., & Tasca, G. A. (2017). Two-year follow-up outcomes in emotionally focused couple therapy: An investigation of relationship satisfaction and attachment trajectories. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 43(2), 227-244.

Wince, J.P., Bach, A.K. & Barlow, D.H. (2008). Sexual dysfunction. In D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual (4th ed.). Guilford. This chapter is not available in the 5th edition.  Non-residential students can request this chapter through Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery, as the library has the 4th edition only in print.