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BIOL 1510 Biology II

Why Cite?

When you quote or paraphrase the idea of another person in your research paper or speech, you must provide a proper citation for the source. These citations:

  • give credit to the author

  • enable others to locate the source that you cited

  • improve the credibility of your work, especially if you cited authoritative sources

APA 7th Edition Examples

This journal article citation is in APA 7th edition format and features most common citation components.

This journal article citation is in APA 7th edition style. This example shows how to format a citation if components of the citation are missing. This journal does not use issue numbers or page numbers.

This journal article citation is in APA 7th edition style. This journal uses volume and issue numbers, but not page numbers. Instead, this journal uses article numbers. Include article numbers as pictured below. In this example, pay special attention to the genus and species (genus is capitalized, species is lowercased, both italicized), and proper nouns in the article title (capitalized).

Visit APA Style for additional citation examples, including how to cite journal articles with missing information.


Remember, your APA 7th Edition citations need to have a hanging indentation on the second and subsequent lines and need to be double spaced.

Database Citation Generators

Many databases include a feature to generate citations. Below is an example from PubMed:

image of pubmed citation generator


Be careful - these generators often make mistakes!
Always compare it to the style template and fix the errors. 

  • Do you notice any errors in the example image above?
    (Hint: the formatting of the article title and journal title are incorrect)

  • Here is the corrected citation based on the APA style for a journal article with a doi:

Keteyian, S. J., Ehrman, J. K., Fuller, B., & Pack, Q. R. (2019). Exercise testing and exercise

rehabilitation for patients with atrial fibrillation. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation

and Prevention, 39(2), 65–72.

APA Helpful Links

APA Reference Examples Guide

  • Commonly cited reference examples, including journal articles, websites, and books, from the APA Style website. 

Reference Guide for Journal Articles, Books, and Edited Book Chapters

  • PDF version of APA 7th Edition example citations

Purdue Online Writing Lab

  • Use the Purdue Online Writing Lab website to help you format your references and research papers. It includes help with general formating, in-text citations, reference examples, and more.

Academic Writer

  • Academic Writer is a web-based suite of services and tools related to the proper use of APA Style. Resources include quick guides, tutorials, sample papers, reference library, and paper templates. 

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: The Official Guide to APA Style

  • Link to the APA Manual print book available through the Alvin Sherman Library.