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Genocide and Holocaust Studies

Visual History Archives (VHA) USC Shoah Foundation

Your library card provides free access to the Visual History Archive (VHA) USC Shoah Foundation. This resource contains over 56,000 video testimonies and over 700,000 images of artifacts and photos of survivors and witnesses of genocide. 

The Visual History Archive includes information testimonies related to the:

  • Holocaust
  • Armenian Genocide 
  • Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda of 1994                            
  • Nanjing Massacre in China
  • Guatemalan Genocide of 1978-1996
  • Cambodian Genocide of 1975-1979
  • War and Genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Ongoing conflicts in the Central African Republic and South Sudan
  • Ongoing Anti-Rohingya mass violence

Select the link below to login to the Visual History Archive database:

Additional Resources for Primary Sources

Digitized primary sources are often freely available online through libraries, museums, and government agencies. Search the internet using specific keywords for archives or primary sources.

For example: 

  • 1994 Rwanda genocide and archive
  • Holocaust personal narrative primary source

Below is a selected list of websites to help you get started.