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HUMN 4310 The Vampire: Home

This course guide is design for the students in this class to help find a variety of resources related to The Vampire.

Vampire Course & Bibliography

This course guide was created as a tool for the HUMN 4310 class about the vampire and to highlight resources and research strategies relevant to the course.

Above is a bibliographic list of material that is available in the Alvin Sherman Library (and online) related to the vampire.

Additional Guides

Here are some additional guides which you may find useful.

Universal Vampire Ebook & Irish Dracula

Hello! Here is an online ebook of the required text Universal Vampire: Origins and Evolution of a Legend. It has multi-user access which allows for up to three simultaneous users at one time. If you are unable to get into the ebook, logout and try again a little while later. NOTE: You will need your NSU credentials to be able to access the ebook.

Here also is an online copy of The Irish Dracula: A Melodrama in Five Acts by James E. Doan.


Here is an online embedded copy from the Internet Archive of the silent horror/vampire film Nosferatu from 1922.


Test 2