Truncation allows you to search any ending on a root word.
For example, if your topic uses the word teenagers, then you may also want to search:
The root word is teen.
To truncate and search teen with any ending type: teen*
Use truncation carefully. You may end up with variations that you didn't anticipate and therefore increasing your results with irrelevant records.
Phrase search when you want to search for words together in the order in which you've entered them.
Phrase Example: "hearing aids"
For Example:
"pediatric brain cancer" Search results 16
pediatric AND "brain cancer" Search results 64
pediatric AND brain AND cancer Search results 6544
Proximity Searching
This is similar to phrase searching but broader. Instead of requiring the words to be right next to each other, you are instructing the database to search for the words near each other. How near? That is up to you.
Proximity searching varies slightly by database/vendor.
EBSCO databases:
n# (speech n3 therapy)
ProQuest databases:
NEAR/# (speech NEAR/3 therapy)
Does not offer proximity searching