Experts Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe explain the six facets of understanding and guide you through the steps of designing curricular units that promote students' deep content understanding. Interviews with teachers describe real-world applications of the unit-planning process. Classroom scenes show how the design process helps improve learning experiences and performance assessments in every grade level. Give teachers and other audiences a fascinating overview of the powerful concepts in Understanding by Design and help them design curriculum units that promote understanding.
Drawing from more than 35 years of research studies, ASCD's Classroom Instruction That Works has identified cooperative learning as one of the nine instructional strategies most apt to increase student achievement. Now here's an ideal resource to introduce your school to cooperative learning and correct any misconceptions using it in an accountable, standards-driven school.
Teachers everywhere are under way more pressure to address required content standards, teach for student understanding, and reach an increasingly diverse student population. Find out how you can do that by using Differentiated Instruction (DI) and Understanding by Design (UbD) in tandem to incorporate content standards into an understanding-based curriculum that includes instruction that supports the success of all students. Leading experts Carol Ann Tomlinson and Jay McTighe come together for an informal and enlightening conversation that explains how to use DI and UbD approaches to meet the demands of a fast-changing educational landscape of 21st century learning.
Building on ASCD’s resources on curriculum mapping, this DVD helps you and your school or district successfully implement comprehensive curriculum mapping. Use the DVD with the workshop outlines in the Facilitator’s Guide to show how quality maps are developed and used to improve the quality of education for every student. Video scenes take you to mapping efforts that are underway in an entire district and a single school. Hear curriculum mapping expert Heidi Hayes Jacobs explain the best reasons for systemwide mapping and the importance of clarity and flexibility in curriculum planning. And see how dedicated teams of educators—from district leaders to classroom teachers—create and use maps to standardize curriculum, align teaching to learning objectives, familiarize new staff members with curriculum, and ultimately raise achievement. Detailed workshop outlines—with activities, handouts, overheads, and readings—make it easy for you to run an effective meeting that supports curriculum mapping.