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National Bureau of Economic Research
U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. Economic Development Administration
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
Decision Analysis Society
Decision Sciences Institute
Society for Information Management
Enter keywords in the field above to search more than twenty business-related periodicals.
These resources were chosen because they are from respected organizations with a primary focus on business. Note that some of these sources, such as Harvard Business Review, have a limited access if you don’t have a subscription. If you are unable to open an article from the search results, search for the article title in the Alvin Sherman Library catalog.
For peer-reviewed journal articles, literature reviews, and primary source material, utilize the business databases on the Alvin Sherman Library website.
The Atlantic | Fast Company | Inc | New York Times | Wall Street Journal |
Bloomberg | Financial Times | International Business Times | NPR's Planet Money podcast | Wired |
Business Insider | Forbes | MarketWatch | SeekingAlpha | |
CNN Money | Fortune | Money | Training Magazine Network | |
Entrepreneur | Harvard Business Review | The Motley Fool | Trend Hunter |