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BEDI Resources

Definitions & Key Terms

Classism: Classism is the systematic discrimination of poor and working classes, and it operates both at individual and institutional levels. Classism functions both through individual prejudiced language and discriminatory actions, and at a broader level, through institutions and ideologies, cultural norms, beliefs, values, and practices, thus spanning micro to macro levels of society (Barone, 2008). Classism includes elitist attitudes toward the working class, where members of higher classes believe themselves to be innately superior in terms of economic standing and culture. Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justice

First Generation student: Over one third of students in U.S. higher education are the first in their families to go to college or first generation (FG). This growing demographic necessitates unpacking and understanding how this diverse group negotiates the academy, and how the academy cultivates relationships with these students, their families, and their communities. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education

Socioeconomic Status: The concept socioeconomic status is an amalgamation of terms used to denote one's social status within society and is measured by one's relative relationship to wealth, power, and prestige.  While social class is typically measured by income or economic wealth, socioeconomic status recognizes the importance of one's relationship to power within the social institutions of education, media, the economy, and the polity. In particular, socioeconomic status takes into consideration one's occupation, level of education, income, ascribed and/or achieved wealth, and possession of cultural and political capital. Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justice

Socioeconomic Status

First Generation & Low Income Students