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Romance Book Club

A guide to the romance genre and reading recommendations for adults.

What is a Romance?

“Romance” refers to the mass-market popular fiction written primarily by and for women that constitutes 50 percent of the American paperback fiction market. It typically revolves around a central romantic relationship, usually between a hero and a heroine, and requires an emotionally uplifting and optimistic ending. The Encyclopedia of Literary and Cultural Theory

In short, a romance must have a central love story as its main plot and end in Happily Ever After (HEA) or Happily For Now (HFA).

Common Terms

Here's a quick guide to commonly used terms in the romance genre and/or among readers:

  • Hero/Heroine: Also called male and female main character (MMC/FMC).
  • HEA: Happily Ever After
  • HFN: Happily For Now
  • M/F, M/M, F/F: A male/female pairing, a male/male pairing, and a female/female pairing.
  • Insta Love: When two characters instantly fall in love with each other
  • Sapphic: A book featuring women who love women, usually two women protaganists.
  • Slow Burn: Characters fall in love gradually, these books feature, deep characterization, complicated relationships, and unresolved tension building up to The Moment.
  • Trope: Repeated themes, plot devices, or characters that we see frequently in romance. These include:
    • Best Friend's Brother/Sister
    • Enemies to Lovers
    • Fake Relationship
    • Friends to Lovers
    • Forced Proximity
    • Marriage of Convenience
    • Second Chance
    • Workplace Romance

Spice Rating

This rating scale is subjective tool. Please do your due diligence to determine what works best for you. 

🔥 Mild: There is kissing but no sex implied on the page. 

🔥🔥 Medium: There is no sex on the page. Instead, the sex is closed door or fades to black.

🔥🔥🔥 Warm: There are few sex scenes on the page, but most of the description relies on emotion rather than graphic details.

🔥🔥🔥🔥 Hot: There are multiple sex scenes with detailed descriptions. 

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Scorching: There are a significant amount of sex scenes with explicit descriptions. These books may be erotica or near erotica.