In "Using Mixed Methods Research," John Creswell (2015) defines this type of research and provides several real life examples.
John Creswell (2011) focuses on planning research and the philosophy of research in "When Should I Choose a Mixed Methods Approach?"
"Burke Johnson Discusses Mixed Methods" (2017) -- Johnson is interviewed and he discusses why he finds research methods such as mixed methods fascinating. He strongly believes in critical thinking and intelligently studying and interacting with the world. (segment of "Why is Learning About Research Methods Important?")
"Nataliya Ivankova Discusses Mixed Methods" -- Ivankova bases her research practice of mixed methods on the field as defined by Creswell and Tashakkori. She also works with researchers to "extend mixed methods into new fields." (segment of "Why is Learning About Research Methods Important?")
"This is the notion of using multiple methods to generate and analyze different kinds of data in the same study—for example, combining a narrative analysis of in-depth interviews with a content analysis of questionnaire responses, or conducting an ethnographic study alongside a quasi-experimental study of the same social phenomenon. The notion has received considerable attention in the field of social and educational program evaluation, in which discussions unfold about mixing methods at both ‘technical’ levels (i.e., generating different kinds of data via different procedures) and ‘philosophical’ and ‘paradigmatic’ levels. Underlying the notion appears to be the pragmatic assumption that to judge the value of an educational or social program or policy, an evaluator ought to employ whatever methods will best generate evidence of the warranted assertability of the value of that program or policy."
Mixed methods. (2007). In T. A. Schwandt (Ed.), The SAGE dictionary of qualitative Inquiry, (3rd ed., pp. 198-199). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. doi:10.4135/97814129862681.n217
Learn more by searching within the online version of The SAGE Dictionary of Qualitative Inquiry (NSU Libraries login required).
NSU Libraries subscribe to the "Journal of Mixed Methods Research" from 2007 to the present via SAGE Journals. Search the Full Text Finder to get access to this content.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) have a "Mixed Methods Research" resource available for free. This source provides guidance to NIH investigators on how to "rigorously develop and evaluate mixed methods research applications" and reports on best practices.
Plano Clark, V. L., & Ivankova, N. V. (2016). Mixed methods research: A guide to the field. doi:10.4135/9781483398341
Tashakkori, A., & Charles Teddlie, C. (Eds.). (2010). SAGE handbook of mixed methods in social & behavioral research (2nd ed.). doi:10.4135/9781506335193