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Diabetes and Health Care: Local Pain Points

Diabetes Education Instructional Pathfinder for HPD Students and Faculty

Florida Diabetes Profile

Did you know that 29 million Americans—including nearly 2 million Florida—have diabetes? Many more have prediabetes—meaning that their blood sugar levels are higher than normal, though not in the diabetic range. Having prediabetes puts them at risk for developing diabetes and other serious health problems.

This profile shows how Florida is doing with regard to diabetes, prediabetes, and related health conditions, and how Florida compares to the rest of the country.

Florida Diabetes ABC's

13.1% of Florida residents know that they have diabetes, and another 5% know that they have prediabetes. But many more have these conditions and don’t know it.

How can we tell that someone has undiagnosed diabetes or prediabetes? Blood tests give us this information.

  • If hemoglobin A1C ≥ 6.5% or fasting blood glucose (FBG) ≥ 126 mg/dl, the person has diabetes.
  • If 5.7% ≤ hemoglobin A1C < 6.5% or 100 ≤ FBG < 126 mg/dl, the person has prediabetes.

Diabetes in Florida is most common among older people (23.4% among those 65 and older) and least common among young people (5.5% among those age 18 to 49) or those who have graduated college (9.7%).  Blacks and Native Americans make up the largest percentage of residents with diabetes  14.6% and 14.9% respectively with whites at 11.6%, Latinos at 11% and Asians at 10.6.%. Every year an estimated 105,000 people in Florida are diagnosed with diabetes. 

Diabetes and prediabetes cost an estimated $24.3 billion in Florida each year. The serious include heart disease, stroke, amputation, end-stage kidney disease, blindness – and death.  To reduce their risk of heart attack, stroke, and other complications, people with diabetes need to keep their ABC’s under control-hemoglobin A1c test, blood pressure and cholesterol. 

Florida Diabetes Prevention Program

  • Diabetes is the 6th leading cause of death in Florida
  • In 2013 there were 5,209 deaths from diabetes
  • In 2012 there were 565,117 hospitalizations from diabetes
  • There are approximately 1,708,447 adults in Florida (11.2%) with diabetes

The Diabetes Prevention Program in Florida 

is a 1-year program (including meetings about once per week in the first 16 weeks followed by monthly support meetings) for people with prediabetes that moves proven research into communities. In this program, trained lifestyle coaches assist participants in reducing diabetes risk by losing 5 -7% of their body weight and increasing their physical activity. The goal of this program is to improve the quality of life.

The program was developed specifically to prevent type 2 diabetes. It is designed for people who have pre diabetes or are at risk for type 2 diabetes, but who do not already have diabetes.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote & improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, & community efforts. The FDH offers tools and resources for patients and providers by county, as well as copies of the Diabetes Advisory Council Legislative Report.

Miami-Dade County Matters

Local Resources

Diabetes Research Institute Foundation - Advocacy Group aimed at curing diabetes located in Hollywood, FL 

Diabetes Research Institute - largest and most comprehensive research center dedicated to curing diabetes located at the University of Miami main campus

USF Diabetes Center-  A Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Research Center, engaging in innovative and important global research in Type 1 Diabetes Prevention. Located in Tampa

Florida Chapter of the American Diabetes Association- Offers access to local programs and diabetes prevention.

YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program - offers lifestyle and health habit coaching for diabetics 

Diabetes Prevention in Florida Children and Teens

It is estimated that one out of every three children born after 2000 in the United States will be directly affected by diabetes. Currently, the number of children and teens diagnosed with type 2 diabetes is increasing. 

Children of certain racial and ethnic groups are at higher risk, including African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian/Pacific Islander and Native American children.

Children or teens may be at greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes if they:

  • Are overweight or obese
  • Are not physical active
  • Have a family member that has type 2 diabetes

For children and teens, the number one risk factor for developing diabetes is being overweight or obese.  According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), "one in five school-aged children has obesity" and this number is expected to increase over time. 

Children and teens may be able to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes for many years by making these small changes—losing weight, eating healthy, and getting active.  Losing weight may seem hard for some individuals, but with proper instruction and support, it is proven to make the biggest impact in preventing type 2 diabetes.

When it comes to eating healthy, it is important to:

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Limit the amount of sugary drinks including sodas, juices, or sports drinks
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables
  • Limit the amount of fast food
  • Make healthy snacks

When it comes to getting more active, it is important to:

  • Limit the amount of time spent in front of a TV, computer, or phone
  • Engage in an activity that is fun and enjoyable
  • Get the whole family involved

Children and teens should be getting at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day. 

The Children's Services Council of Broward County -Organization focused on improving the quality of life of Broward County Children partners with Holy Cross Hospital Community Outreach Department to prevent diabetes. 

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