Exceptions to Chicago Manual of Style Author-Date Style that are exclusive to the Oceanographic Campus at NSU are indicated in GREEN.
General Formatting Tips:
Tips for Formatting the Title Page for Theses and Dissertations:
Tips for Formatting the Title Page for a Class Paper:
Formatting Tips for the Main Body:
General Formatting Tips for References:
NOTE: Even if you use EndNote to Cite While You Write, please double check that these formatting basics are adhered to. Sometimes EndNote does not do it correctly and you will have to manually check to ensure compliance.
Formatting Tips for Tables and Figures:
General Formatting Tips for Headers:
While you can format headers at your discretion, Chicago Manual does have a suggested Format for Headings. This takes the guesswork out of creating your own and trying to maintain consistency.
Level Format
1 Centered, Boldface or Italic Type, Headline-Style Capitalization
2 Centered, Regular Type, Headline-Style Capitalization
3 Flush Left, Boldface or Italic Type, Headline-Style Capitalization
4 Flush left, roman type, sentence-style capitalization
5 Run in at beginning of paragraph (no blank line after), boldface or italic type, sentence-style capitalization terminal period.
General Formatting Tips for In-Text Citations:
Broward College. "Chicago Manual of Style Quick Reference Guide" Springshare. http://libguides.broward.edu/chicago
COTR Library. "Chicago Manual of Style" Springshare. http://cotr.libguides.com/chicago
Grossman, John. 2010. The Chicago manual of style: University of Chicago Press.
Irvine Valley College. "Citation Guide: Chicago Manual of Style" Springshare. http://ivc.v1.libguides.com/chicago
Purdue OWL. "Chicago Manual of Style 16th Edition: General Format" https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/717/02