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CHEM 4005 & CHEM 4010 Inorganic Chemistry I & II: Getting Started

CHEM 4005, CHEM 4010

Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 4005, CHEM 4010
Fall 2023

In this course modern inorganic chemistry topics including the principles of molecular structure, bonding periodicity, band theory, and chemical reactivity with application to compounds of the main group and transition elements are studied.

In this course will cover advanced modern inorganic chemistry topics including ligand field, reactions mechanisms, and the 18 electron rule for inorganic and organometallic compounds are studied. The lab component covers modern techniques of inorganic and organometallic chemistry including experience with glovebox, Schlenk line, and vacuum line methods.

Inorganic Chemistry I and II - CHEM 4005 and 4010

  1. Describe structure, bonding, and chemical reactivity and apply this knowledge to the main group and transition elements.
  2. Explain basic concepts in inorganic chemistry.
  3. Use knowledge from general chemistry to describe the chemical properties of the main group and transition elements.
  1. Describe reaction mechanisms and chemical reactivities of inorganic compounds.
  2. Demonstrate lab skills involving modern techniques of inorganic and organometallic chemistry including experience with Schlenk line and vacuum line methods.
  3. Explain the principles that underpin selected synthetic processes.
  4. Devise synthetic routes to target inorganic and organometallic compounds.
  5. Explain how special techniques are required for the preparation of specific inorganic compounds.

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