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This guide highlights resources for DCRS PhD student.

Moving Forward

What does the dissertation journey look like?

STEP 1. Complete Coursework

To Do:

  • Fulfill the degree plan
  • Complete all items listed on the PhD Passport

Useful Resources:

  • HCAS Catalog: Consult the HCAS Catalog for a comprehensive overview of the PhD program requirements with details about the number of credits and courses required or sample degree plans. In the Catalog locate chapter titled "About our doctoral programs" and find details about Ph.D. in Conflict Analysis and Resolution.
  • DCRS Student Resources: Consult section titled Degree Plans and Course List with helpful degree planning tools.
  • HCAS Faculty & Staff Directory: If you need help regarding course selection, remember that you can consult program administrators.
  • DCRS Student Resources: You can also talk to peer mentors in person, telephonically, by email or during the RIs. Please contact Academic Program Coordinator for more information about the Peer Mentors Program.


  • The DCRS PhD Passport, that was provided to you at the start of your first term, should guide you in your preparations for the first evaluation checkpoint, the Preliminary Review. The PhD Passport includes specific activities you need to complete in advance of the Preliminary Review. Follow it diligently.

STEP 2. Pass Preliminary Review

To Do:

  • Submit PhD Passport and all required documents
  • Participate in the interview

Useful Resources:


  • The preliminary review actually happens before you fully complete your coursework, to be exact, when you earn 18-24 credits, but we emphasize it as a separate step to remind you to keep it in mind going forward as it is an important milestone on your dissertation journey.

STEP 3. Pass Qualifying Exam

To Do:

  • As simple as that, pass the Qualifying exam. Good luck!

Useful Resources:

  • HCAS Catalog: Consult the dedicated section in the HCAS Graduate Catalog.
  • DCRS Student Resources: Consult section titled, not surprisingly, Qualifying Exam for test taking tips and a sample exam.
  • Do not miss the Residential Institute sessions devoted to the Qualifying Exam.

STEP 4. Enter Dissertation Status

To Do:

  • Complete CARD 7901, as part of this course requirements under your instructor’s guidance you will select Dissertation Committee Chair
  • Enroll in CARD 7900 under your Chair’s CRN

Useful Resources:

  • HCAS Faculty & Staff Directory: Review faculty profiles to determine whose experience and interests align with your dissertation research idea.
  • DCRS Student Resources:
    • Remember that all official Dissertation Forms, e.g. the form you will use to notify the department who the chair of your Committee is, are posted on the DCRS Student Resources page under section Dissertation - Dissertation Forms.
    • Use information on the term course schedule published under section Schedule and Registration to register for dissertation credits. Find your chair's CRN number on one of the last pages of each schedule.
  • HCAS Graduate Catalog: Consult the Catalog's section titled Dissertation for details about who can be on your Dissertation Committee and important details regarding the number of required dissertation credits to complete.


  • Once you have selected the chair of your Dissertation Committee, follow her or his guidance and advice for all upcoming tasks, e.g. selection of the remaining committee members, development of the Proposal and beyond. And most importantly, take a deep breath and relax. You are in good hands.
  • Make sure to work diligently during the Dissertation Preparation course and listen carefully to valuable instructions and advice. Save all materials used during the course to your computer. They will be very helpful when you develop the proposal and your dissertation thesis.

STEP 5. Write and Defend Proposal

To Do:

  • Prepare Proposal
  • Defend Proposal
  • Revise Proposal as requested

Useful Resources:

  • Did you remember to save all resources provided during the Dissertation Preparation course?
  • DCRS Student Resources:
    • The Proposal Defense form is posted under Dissertation - Dissertation Forms.
    • In addition to the official forms, section Dissertation also offers DCRS Dissertation Resources you may find helpful when you write your Proposal.
  • HCAS Graduate Catalog: Consult the Catalog's section titled Dissertation Proposal to find out about the format of the proposal defense.

Remember: Now that you have a chair of your Dissertation Committee, follow his or her guidance throughout the process.

STEP 6. Receive IRB Approval

To Do:

  • Prepare IRB application and submit it for review
  • Respond to IRB requests to obtain final IRB approval
  • Submit form for continuing IRB review if research and analysis is not completed by 1 year.  
  • File IRB closing form at completion of research and analysis

Useful Resources:

  • NSU IRB web page: Your IRB destination.
  • Do not miss the RI sessions devoted to the IRB process.

Remember: Follow guidance from the chair of your Dissertation Committee when working on your IRB application.

STEP 7. Conduct Research, Write and Defend Dissertation

To Do:

  • When approved by IRB, conduct your research
  • Write your Dissertation Thesis
  • Defend your Dissertation Thesis
  • Revise Dissertation Thesis as requested

Useful Resources:

  • DCRS Student Resources:
    • Among the official forms, you will find the signature page and a helpful checklist to make sure your dissertation meets departmental format requirements.
    • Resources available under section DCRS Dissertation Resources may assist you in writing as well.
  • HCAS Graduate Catalog: Consult the Catalog's section titled Final Dissertation to find out more about the dissertation defense. It discusses some important deadlines you should know about.


  • Follow guidance from the chair of your Dissertation Committee.
  • Important reminder about the IRB process (consult the NSU IRB page for more details):
    • If research and analysis is not completed by 1 year, you need to submit form for continuing IRB review. 
    • At completion of research and analysis, you need to file IRB closing form.

STEP 8. Complete Post-defense Requirements

Remember, in terms of University policy, you MUST remain registered in the program until all requirements for conferral have been fulfilled. That includes ProQuest submission and degree application for conferral. There is a time limit to the finalization process – you only have one semester following the semester in which you defend, to finalize everything. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of the degree.

To Do:

  • Modify your dissertation thesis based on Dissertation Feedback Form.
  • Obtain signatures of all Committee Members.
  • Submit final Chair approved document for format review. When the notice of your final defense is sent out, you will be contacted via email by the Dissertation Format GA with detailed instructions on where to submit the final document for format review.
  • Apply for degree online
  • Submit dissertation to ProQuest/UMI

Useful Resources:

Remember: Follow guidance from the chair of your Dissertation Committee.