Extensive collection of popular fiction and non-fiction e-books and audio books for juvenile, young adult, and adult readers. E-books are borrowed, downloaded, and read using a REQUIRED app for multiple devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop/notebook computers. The app is available for downloading from the Apple App Store, Google Play, Amazon Apps, Microsoft Windows App Store, Google Chrome Web Store, or the Barnes & Noble Nook/Samsung Apps on Google Play. NSU users login with Shark ID and password. Alvin Sherman Library card holders login with last name and library card number.
Flipster is a next-generation digital magazine distribution service where users can access their favorite magazines from a variety of publishers through their local libraries via a web browser or a custom app made specifically for the iPad, iPad mini, Android or Kindle Fire (3rd and 4thGeneration) and download magazines to read offline, anytime, anywhere.
Gale in Context: Elementary is the perfect educational product for today’s young learners. It’s a content-rich, authoritative, easy-to-use resource featuring age-appropriate, reliable, curriculum-related content covering a broad range of educational topics. It features a new, modern, graphical interface and improved navigation based on feedback from both existing customers and student users. The design helps kids explore the product and gain comfort with database searching.
Provides access to two cultural resources: The African American Experience and Daily Life Through History. Includes ebooks, interviews, maps, images, audio, music files, and timelines.
E-Book Login Tips:
To log into cloudLibrary, NSU users login using your Shark ID and password. Alvin Sherman Library card holders login using your last name as the ID and your card number as the password.