NSU Halmos College of Arts & Sciences
Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences & Department of Biological Sciences
Here are some formatting details for all theses, dissertations, and capstones:
For more specific information on submitting your NSU HCAS Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences or Department of Biological Sciences thesis, dissertation, or capstone, please please select the appropriate box below.
A thesis is an original contribution to knowledge resulting from the systematic study of a significant problem or issue. It requires the student to secure agreement from a faculty member, with adequate funding to carry out the proposed research, to be the student’s major professor.
Similar to a thesis, a dissertation is an original contribution to knowledge resulting from the systematic study of a significant problem or issue. It requires the student to secure agreement from a faculty member, with adequate funding to carry out the proposed research, to be the student’s major professor. The dissertation structure is up to the Ph.D. candidate’s committee, but must include a title page, abstract, keywords, table of contents, and references section.
A capstone is a scientific manuscript, based upon a comprehensive literature search, review, and synthesis of the chosen topic. It is similar to a thesis, in as much as data need to be acquired and analyzed within the framework of a scholarly article with the exception that these data can be acquired from the literature.