You will learn how to use the library catalog to search for both non-fiction and fiction books, audiobooks, DVDs, and more.
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A library catalog is a listing of all the items held by that library. It will pull up books, movies, video games, journal articles, digital content, and so much more.
If you know it, you can search for an item by it's title or author. BUT you can also search just using a keyword.
Alvin Sherman Library's Catalog can be found in multiple ways:
Broward County Public Library's Catalog is separate from ours and can be found at:
The library catalog allows us to search all of the library's holdings by keywords, author, and title.
You can put just a word in the top search box and pull up everything we have that mentions the keyword OR you can refine your search with the advanced options below.
You can use multiple keywords, limit by format (print material, DVD, Blu-Ray, etc.), or even select a specific location or collection. NSU Media will look only at audio/visual materials, and Children's Collection will narrow the search to materials for children and teens, ages 0-18.
Once you hit "Search" you'll see the search results.
Each listing provides the following information:
Use the library's catalog to search for materials such as books, ebooks, DVDs, etc., by keyword, author, or title. Click on an entry on the results list to view an item's availability, location, and call number.
No results? Check your spelling or the fields you searched in. Selecting different fields will produce different results.
Too few results? Go back and expand your search by using synonyms or related terms.
Too many results? Go back and use the advanced search filters to limit your search.
Need help? Ask a Librarian!
Call numbers are a method for keep books in order. They work like an address and are used to find a book in the library. We use two classification systems:
The list below provides a quick guide to where each call number range is located within the Alvin Sherman Library:
Library of Congress Call Numbers:
Dewey Decimal Call Numbers:
Open the document below for more specific locations: