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How to book a Study Room
Policies & Info :
These are the Study Rooms on the 2nd floor (Rooms 2112 - 2116) Room 2114 is a 6 person capacity room.
These are the Study Rooms on the 2nd floor (Rooms 2124 - 2128) Room 2126 is a 6 person capacity room .
These are the Study Rooms on the 3rd floor (Rooms 3104 - 3107) All of these rooms are a 6 person capacity room . Temperature of these rooms are slightly colder then any of the other study rooms we have.
This is the New Mediascape Room on the 3rd Floor 3107, it has a capacity of 6 persons. It also has a monitor to hook up your electronic device too.
These are the Study Rooms on the 3rd floor (Rooms 3112 - 3116) Room 3114 is a 6 person capacity room .
This is the Mediascape Room on the 3rd floor Room 3118, it has a capacity of 6 persons . It also has a monitor to hook up your electronic device too.
These are the Study Rooms on the 3rd floor (Rooms 3119 - 3124) Room 3122 is a 6 person capacity room .
These are the Study Rooms on the 3rd floor (Rooms 3501 and 3502) Both are a 4 person capacity room. They look out at the front of the building towards Courtney Campbell Causeway and the Bay.
These are the Study Rooms on the 3rd floor (Rooms 3511 - 3508) All of these rooms are a 6 person capacity room . These Study Rooms have 2 white boards in each of the rooms.