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BIOL 3600 Genetics

BIOL 3600


BIOL 3600
Fall 2024

Review of principles of Mendelian and quantitative inheritance considered at a morphological and molecular level, including a survey of population genetics, theories of natural selection, the study of amino acids, and nucleotide substitutions as "evolutionary clocks".

Genetics - BIOL 3600

  1. Explain the fundamentals of transmission genetics.
  2. Describe the composition of genetic material, the structure of genes, mutational events, the genetic code, and protein synthesis.
  3. Describe the mechanisms regulating gene expression.
  4. Describe the basics and applications of recombinant DNA technology.
  5. Demonstrate the ability to use molecular databases, sequence analysis programs, and other bioinformatics tools.
  6. Describe the basic principles of molecular evolution and population genetics.
  7. Apply the principles outlined above to a broad range of biological fields including medicine, agriculture, environmental sciences, and forensics.

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