PYCL 507 Required KPI Assignment: Critique of a Research Article. Each student will review an empirical research study (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, mixed method) published in a professional counseling journal and write a 9-page maximum paper critique (one page should be the title page, another one the abstract, and another one the reference list). Selecting an article that relates to your top clinical interest area is recommended.
For APA style, please use the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual or visit the NSU library for online APA style resources. Consult the grading rubric at the end of this for grading details and additional information on this assignment.
Once you find the article, make sure that the following sections are clear: literature review, research questions, hypothesis, research methodology (that is, you can tell that the study is empirical) results, and interpretation of results.
Below is a published example of a journal article critique.
The ones that exist do not represent exactly what your professor expects, but reading through them may help give you ideas of how to approach your assignment.
It is also important to see how published authors react and respond to each other in the scholarly realm, specifically in the professional counseling, psychology, and education journals.
The following example of a published journal article critique was found in APA PsycInfo. The direct link requires you to type in your Shark ID and password to open the full text.
Library databases that contain articles you can use for the assignment.
Available through InterLibrary Loan:
Bol, L. & Hacker, D. J. (2014). Publishing in high quality journals: Perspectives from overworked and unpaid reviewers. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 26(1), 39-53.
McInerney, D. M. (2001). Publishing your psychology research: A guide to writing for journals in psychology and related fields. Crows Nest, New South Wales: Allen & Unwin.