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BIOL 4360 / 4960 Practicum in Biology

This guide contains the rubric for and tutorials to complete Annotated Bibliography Library Assignment for Dr. Jaffe's BIOL 4960 and Dr. Garcia's BIOL 4360 Practicum in Biology courses. Please contact a librarian at with any questions.

Library Databases

Library databases contain a wide range of information sources including e-books, book chapters, news articles, scholarly journal articles, research studies, and more. When researching a biology lab topic, search for information within the library's Biology databases.

Within a database, use the Advanced Search page to enter your search terms, choose your Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT), and select the peer-reviewed option: 



After selecting an article from your results page, use the database tools to save, help cite, or email the article to yourself:



Remember, if you need to locate a specific article, you can use Full Text Finder to track it down using the article's citation information. Start by searching for the name of the journal/publication. Then, select the listed database that has access to it. Inside that database, you can search for the title of the article that you want.

Boolean Operators

Boolean Operators: How to refine your database search

Ulrichsweb (Peer Review)

Use the Ulrichsweb database to see if a specific journal is considered peer-reviewed. If it is, then the articles published in that journal are peer-reviewed.

Academic Writer (APA)



  • Tutorials and quick guides about the research process
  • Sample citations using APA Style 7th edition (including sample table and figures)
  • Interactive, pre-formatted paper templates
  • Tools to insert references
  • Collaborative writing tools

Full Text Finder

Use Full Text Finder to locate an article using its citation.


Nadell, C.D., Bassler, B.L., & Levin, S.A. (2008). Observing bacteria through the lens of social evolution. Journal of Biology, 7(27), 1-4. https:/

STEP 1: On the Library's main page click Full Text Finder.

STEP 2: In Full Text Finder enter the name of the journal and click Search.

STEP 3: On the results page, select a database that includes the article year of publication.

STEP 4: Finally, log in to the database and locate the article by title.
