The Qualitative Report "Guide to Qualitative Research Journals"
According to Dr. Ronald J. Chenail, Editor-in-Chief of the journal, The Qualitative Report, you can use this list to "explore the world of professional, scholarly, and academic journals publishing qualitative research. The number and variety of journals focusing primarily on qualitative approaches to research have steadily grown over the last forty years. From discipline- or profession-specific to trans-, cross-, and multidisciplinary missions, these journals represent a richly diverse approach to qualitative inquiry."
See the list via:
Use the NSU Libraries' Full Text Finder tool to look up titles to see what journals are in the library's online collection.
Note that some of these journals may be open source and freely available online and others are accessible via the library collection. The library does not subscribe to every journal on the list however.
These journals are available in the NSU Libraries online collection. Login required. To see all NSU Libraries databases that include these journals (variety of year ranges) use the Full Text Finder tool.
Action Research (SAGE)
Departures in Critical Qualitative Research (Univ. of California Press)
Discourse Studies (SAGE)
Field Methods (SAGE)
Global Qualitative Nursing Research (SAGE)
International Journal of Qualitative Methods (SAGE)
Journal of Autoethnography (Univ. of California Press)
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography (SAGE)
Qualitative Health Research (SAGE)
Qualitative Inquiry (SAGE)
Qualitative Psychology (APA)
Qualitative Report (Open Access, NSUWorks)
Qualitative Research (SAGE)
Qualitative Research in Psychology (Taylor & Francis)
Qualitative Research Journal (Emerald)
Qualitative Research Reports in Communication (Taylor & Francis)
Qualitative Social Work (SAGE)
Qualitative Sociology (Springer)